About Company
Company ID USB0001132
Company Name Think Yellow Pvt Ltd
Mobile No. 9601466066
Gmail power.wattup@gmail.com
Address Rajkot, India
Work Location Rajkot
Registration Year 2023
No. Of Persons Working 10
Annual Turnover
Company Profile

WattUp is India's first nonacidic and biodegradable solar panel cleaning liquid designed to effectively clean and maintain solar panels. Formulated with a non-acidic pH value, it is highly efficient in removing dirt, dust, grime, bird droppings, cement dust and heavy deposits that can accumulate on solar panel surfaces over time but also incredibly safe for the environment.

Our Products

WattUp Solar Panel Cleaning Liquid
₹ 1800

WattUp Solar Panel Cleaner is a India’s first non acidic formula and 100% biodegradable cleaning solution designed to effectively clean and maintain solar panels. Formulated with a non-acidic pH value, it is highly efficient in removing dirt, dust, grime, bird droppings, cement dust and heavy deposits that can accumulate on solar panel surfaces over time but also incredibly safe for the environment.