LUMINOUS Solar Battery LPT12120H

Luminous Solar Batteries are C10 rated deep cycle batteries specially designed for longer back up. Range Available - LMLA Tubular 20Ah to 200 Ah, Very Low Maintenance Topping up frequency: Once in 8 to 10 months, High Temperature Performance Can handle extreme weather conditions, Long Design Life Long cycles (1500@80% DOD, 5000 @20% DOD).

Technical Specification

Solar Battery LUMINOUS Solar Battery LPT12120H
Net Weight/Content 54 kg
Product Capacity 120 Ah
Product Model LPT12120H
Product Features Luminous Solar Batteries are C10 rated deep cycle batteries specially designed for longer back up. Range Available - LMLA Tubular 20Ah to 200 Ah, Very Low Maintenance Topping up frequency: Once in 8 to 10 months, High Temperature Performance Can handle extreme weather conditions, Long Design Life Long cycles (1500@80% DOD, 5000 @20% DOD).