Off Grid Power Plant (8 KW)

An 8-kW solar system is self-sustaining for a home, small office, or store. This 8-kW system from RNS Solar is unusual in that it has a 120 Volt design, is powered by Lead Acid Battery, and has Super High Efficiency 335 panels. This set is made up of some of the world’s most cutting-edge technology items. If you install this system on your roof and do not use air conditioners, you may not need a grid connection.

This solar panel can power everything from multiple lights up to 2000 watts to many celling fans (8-10) and home and kitchen appliances up to 8000 watts, including televisions, refrigerators, water motors, geysers, grinders, juicer machines, and more.

Technical Specification

Plant Type Off Grid Power Plant
Capacity 8 KW
Panel Luminous,Microteck 
Battery As per as Provide
Power Output 8000 watts
Output Voltage 120V or 240V