Solar on Grid Power Plant -1 Kw

On-grid solar power systems generate power using a solar power system and are directly connected to the utility power grid.

These systems send excess power generated by the solar power system to the utility grid and consumers get compensated for the extra power fed back.

Technical Specification

Model  Ongrid-1 Kw
Capacity  1 KW
Solar Modules   Gutam Solar
Inverters  Sofar
 GI Structure  HT GI
  Solar Battery Type & Capacity  NA
 DCDB / ACDB 01 Nos each
  Earthing  As per Plant capcity
Lighting Arrestor 01 Nos each for one plant
  DC Wiring Polycab
 AC Wire  Polycab
Installation & Commissioning Self
Warranty Offered (Year) 5 Year